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About us

Since its founding in 1984, the Wildlife Research and Environmental Education Society (SPVS) has been dedicated to conserving nature in Brazil, particularly in the region known as the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve—the largest continuous area of the biome spanning the states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina.

A wide range of initiatives has been developed by SPVS in recent decades, making it one of the most representative Brazilian third-sector organizations specializing in biodiversity conservation.


Since 2001, SPVS has been a third-sector institution qualified as an OSCIP in Brazil, that is, a public interest civil society organization.

Check out the SPVS statute:


SPVS' mission is to work for nature conservation through the protection of native areas, environmental education activities, and the development of models for the rational use of natural resources.

Vision for the Future

To become a leading reference and influence the implementation of strategies and models that embrace the concept of Nature Production in pivotal territories, ensuring the maintenance and preservation of natural and cultural heritage and ecosystem services.

Governance and Institutional Structure

Established in 1984 by researchers and professionals aiming to pioneer new approaches to nature conservation, SPVS contends that natural areas are indispensable to life and constitute an integral component of all enterprises. Since its inception, SPVS has prioritized implementing innovative projects, ensuring its initiatives' technical, administrative, and financial excellence through integrated management practices while maintaining transparency in its processes.

Throughout history, SPVS has continually enhanced its institutional management processes, project monitoring, result evaluation, and risk assessment. Moreover, it has refined other tools to facilitate clearer, quicker, and more precise decision-making.

Today, the institution comprises a General Assembly, the supreme body within its structure. This assembly is responsible for reporting on activities and balance sheets. Additionally, SPVS includes elected members of the Advisory and Supervisory Boards.

The Advisory Board assumes responsibility for deliberating on goals, guidelines, and performance indicators, along with aiding in developing fund-raising programs. It also plays a role in deciding on asset acquisitions and appointing the executive director. The Supervisory Board is tasked with providing opinions on the balance sheets submitted by the Executive Board. Additionally, it offers insights into financial operations and oversees compliance with the institution's statutes.

  • O que é uma seção de FAQ?
    Uma seção de FAQ pode ser usada para responder rapidamente a perguntas comuns sobre seu negócio, como "Para onde você envia?", "Qual é o seu horário de atendimento?" ou "Como posso agendar um serviço?". Os FAQs são uma ótima maneira de ajudar as pessoas a navegar no seu site e podem até impulsionar seu SEO.
  • Estabelecer a Linha de Base
    É o momento de conhecer a situação atual da propriedade. Avaliar a presença da biodiversidade e quais práticas de manejo já são utilizadas por você. produtor/a. Esta etapa é fundamental porque fornece os dados iniciais que serão comparados ao longo do tempo de monitoramento. A linha de base é feita pelo técnicola de agricultura da JTI e o/a produtor/a acompanha a etapa.
  • Implementar ações de boas práticas de conservação
    A segunda etapa é destinada à implementação das ações de boas práticas de conservação que foram avaliadas na linha de base como importantes para manter ou incrementar a "saúde" do ambiente natural da propriedade É uma atitude voluntária de sua parte e para desemvolvê-la você irá receber orientação do/a técnico/a da JTI
  • Monitorar os indicadores
    A terceira etapa corresponde ao monitoramento feito por você e os/as demais moradores/as da propriedade, observando a natureza, preenchendo as fichas deste protocolo ao longo de 12 meses. Sem esta etapa não é possivel identificar os resultados alcançados apartir da linha de base.
  • Analisar os dados e verificar os resultados
    A quarta etapa será feita pelo/a tácnico/a da JTI que vai recolher os protocolos preenchidos e analisar os dados, verificando os resultados declarados pelos/as produtores/as envolvidos no projeto.
  • Divulgar os resultados
    Na quinta etapa os resultados do monitoramento são apresentados para, os/as produtores/as e para os públicos de interesse.


Braztoa Sustainability Award (2023)

The Atlantic Forest Great Reserve secured a notable achievement by being honored with the Braztoa Sustainability Award 2023 in the Management/Governance category. This marked the first occasion that the Great Reserve was both a finalist and a winner of this prestigious award, which has acknowledged Brazil's finest sustainable tourism endeavors for eleven years. Organized by the Brazilian Association of Tourism Operators, with support from the Ministry of Tourism (MTur), the award recognized 25 nature tourism initiatives as finalists out of a total of 98 submissions in this edition. Among these, 10 initiatives were awarded, while four received honorable mentions.

Marco Maciel Award (2023)

The Japan Tobacco International (JTI) came second in the Marco Maciel 2023 Award, in the category Institutional and Government Relations in a Private or Mixed Organization. The award, granted by the Brazilian Association of Institutional and Government Relations (Abrig), which is now in its 6th edition, aims to honor companies and professionals who stand out for their work in the Brazil in terms of ethics and transparency. The company competed for the award with the Conexão Araucária ecological restoration project, an initiative between JTI, SPVS and the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).

Medal of Environmental Merit (2019)

Clóvis Borges and SPVS were awarded the Environmental Merit Medal by the Força Verde Environmental Police Battalion for their exemplary and tireless work on behalf of nature.

Best NGOs Award (2017)

The Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education (SPVS) has been acknowledged as one of the top non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Brazil. This recognition aims to spotlight institutions with the highest credibility and capabilities to attract support from donors and volunteers, thus establishing them as benchmarks for other NGOs. Instituto Doar presents the award in collaboration with Época magazine.

VII Hugo Werneck Award for Sustainability & Love for Nature (2016)

The Biodiversity Community (ConBio) program, run by the Wildlife Research and Environmental Education Society (SPVS), won the award in the "Best Flora Example" category. Held by Ecológico magazine, the Hugo Werneck Award is considered one of Brazil's most important environmental awards.

15th von Martius Sustainability Award (2016)

The Biodiversity Community (ConBio) program, created by the Wildlife Research and Environmental Education Society (SPVS) to protect ecosystems in Curitiba's urban and metropolitan areas, was awarded second place in the 15th edition of the von Martius Sustainability Award. The German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of São Paulo awarded the prize.

11th von Martius Sustainability Award (2013)

SPVS Entrepreneurship Program (E-CONS) program won first place in the Nature category. The German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of São Paulo awarded the prize.

Dignidade Solidária Award (2004)

The Paraná Citizenship Center (CEPAC) awarded SPVS the prize in the "Non-Governmental Project—Environment" category.

Paraná Tem Talento Award (2003)

The Instituto Talento (Talent Institute) awards the prize to value and honor professionals and institutions from Paraná that stand out in their field. SPVS was the winner in the "Talent of the Year" category.

Ford Motor Company Environmental Conservation Award (2002)

Recognized as one of the most prestigious environmental awards in Brazil, the accolade is jointly presented by car manufacturer Ford and the NGO Conservation International to honor the best environmental practices implemented within the country. SPVS secured victory in the "Environmental Conservation Initiative of the Year" category for its carbon sequestration projects in the Guaraqueçaba region, located on the northern coast of Paraná.

von Martius Environmental Prize (2002)

SPVS was honored by the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of São Paulo, clinching victory in the "Nature" category. This recognition was attributed to the organization's advancement in three significant "carbon sequestration" projects.

8th BRAVO Business Award (2002)

Presented by Latin Trade Magazine in Miami, United States, the "Environmentalist of the Year" award was bestowed upon Clóvis Borges, the executive director of SPVS. This recognition celebrated his leadership in spearheading action projects against global warming, particularly the "carbon sequestration" initiatives undertaken by the institution along the North Coast of Paraná.

Social Leaders Forum (2002)

The executive director of SPVS, Clóvis Borges, was chosen as one of Brazil's 20 social leaders in 2002.

Rotary (2002)

On June 6th, SPVS's executive director, Clóvis Borges, was honored with the Forest Preservation award for the exceptional projects SPVS initiated in carbon sequestration. He was also recognized as one of the 2002 Rotary Athenaeum Laureates.

SuperEco Award (2002)

The Campaign for the Collection of Used Cell Phone Batteries, a collaborative effort between SPVS and the cell phone operator TIM Sul, was honored with an award from Superinteressante magazine, published by Editora Abril in São Paulo. SPVS's work was the winner in the "soils" category.

Paraná Ambiental Award (2001)

Awarded by the Paraná State Government to the Red-tailed Parrot Conservation Project, in the Flora and Fauna Biodiversity category.

9º Expressão de Ecologia Award (2001)

The Batteries Collection Campaign, implemented through a partnership between TIM and SPVS, was recognized by Expressão magazine for its outstanding environmental efforts in southern Brazil. The award was presented in the pollution control/telecommunications category.

Climate Technology Leadership Award (2001)

Awarded by the CTI (Climate Technology Initiative), this prize recognizes initiatives implemented by individuals and organizations that stand out in promoting "climate-friendly" technologies.

Ashoka Award – 3rd National Competition for Innovative Ideas in Resource Mobilization (1999)

Awarded in recognition of the implementation of the Campaign for the Collection of Used Cell Phone Batteries, developed in the states of PR, SC and RS, in partnership with TIM.

The John and Harriet Dunning Prize (1998)

Awarded by the US organization The Nature Conservancy to Latin American and Caribbean conservationists.

Ecological Distinction Award (1995)

Awarded by the Rotary Club of Curitiba to SPVS for its work favoring environmental conservation.

Kolynos Ekologia Award 92 (1992)

SPVS was honored with the Order of Merit, a distinction bestowed by the Kolynos company, in recognition of the institution's exemplary efforts toward environmental conservation.

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