Other Initiatives
Throughout its history, SPVS has undertaken numerous projects aimed at biodiversity conservation. While some of these projects may no longer be active, they continue to serve as inspiration for our ongoing efforts. They exemplify how positive results can be achieved through dedicated work for biodiversity conservation.
The Meliponiculture Project, established in 2004, is an initiative that harmonizes community development with nature conservation. Meliponiculture involves the systematic breeding of native stingless bees, known as meliponidae, which not only provides valuable products but also plays a crucial role in preserving bee species. Around 400 species of meliponidae are known worldwide. These insects are immensely significant for sustaining natural ecosystems, as studies suggest they pollinate up to 80% of Brazilian forest species and contribute to the pollination of certain food crops. Moreover, many meliponines face the threat of extinction, making meliponiculture essential for species preservation in this context.
As a result of this project, significant support has been provided for the establishment of COOPERCRIAPA - the Guaraqueçaba APA Native Bee Breeders' Cooperative. Founded in 2007, this cooperative marked the inception of formal meliponiculture in the northern coastal region of Paraná. Presently, COOPERCRIAPA conducts courses to train other individuals interested in becoming native bee breeders, thereby expanding the reach and impact of meliponiculture.
Partnerships for Biodiversity
Established in 2012, Partnerships for Biodiversity is a nature conservation initiative tailored to the context of family farming. The project concluded its activities in Paula Freitas, a municipality in the state of Paraná, in December 2015. Throughout its duration, the project engaged in various activities, including the development and monitoring of management actions, the creation of a booklet containing guidelines and information on conservation practices, and the preparation of a business case targeting agribusiness companies. The aim of the business case was to illustrate the cost-benefit analysis of biodiversity management.
Over the course of nearly four years, approximately 1,600 small farmers from three Brazilian states have been provided with information regarding the significance of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services for ensuring the sustainability of agricultural production.
Entrepreneurship Program (E-CONS)
The Entrepreneurship Program (E-CONS) (E-CONS), created by SPVS, stands as a pioneering initiative aimed at bolstering biodiversity conservation efforts across Brazilian biomes. Unlike other support mechanisms, this program focuses on fostering successful projects led by entrepreneurial individuals who demonstrate a steadfast commitment to their work.
The fundamental aim of E-CONS is to help promote entrepreneurship among conservationists. The program channels investment towards non-operational capacity-building initiatives, facilitating the broadening of positive impacts on biodiversity conservation.
Throughout its evolution, the program has provided support to landowners in five of Brazil's distinct biomes.
Community-Based Ecotourism Incentive
In 2007, the Guaraqueçaba Ecotourism Cooperative - Cooperguará Ecotur - was established with the support of SPVS, aiming to organize community-based ecotourism and create an alternative income source for the population of the Guaraqueçaba Protected Area. Recognizing that the success of ecotourism hinges on the preservation of natural environments, the cooperative prioritizes the conservation of the region. This conservation effort ensures the provision of vital environmental services, such as clean air and water, erosion control, climate regulation, and the preservation of scenic beauty for the local communities.
In total, Cooperguará has benefited 25 families of cooperative members, encompassing entrepreneurs engaged in various sectors including lodging, food, sea and land transportation, handicrafts, family farming products, and local guides.
Throughout its evolution, the program has provided support to landowners in five of Brazil's distinct biomes.
The Araucaria Corridor
Por meio do projeto “Resgatando o conhecimento e a biodiversidade da Amazônia”, pequenos agricultores familiares vinculados à produção de palma da ADM no estado do Pará receberam orientações sobre legislação ambiental, restauração ecológica e serviços ecossistêmicos que geram benefícios para a produção agrícola de suas propriedades.
Iniciado em janeiro de 2016, o projeto intitulado Resgatando o conhecimento e a biodiversidade da Amazônia é uma iniciativa de conservação da biodiversidade e adequação ambiental em pequenas propriedades rurais, sendo desenvolvido em parceria pela Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (SPVS) e pela Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).
A SPVS desenvolveu um método de manejo de biodiversidade em propriedades rurais que é economicamente viável e compatível com a produção agrícola e com a realidade do agricultor. A viabilidade desse método foi testada durante 40 meses em propriedades do município de Paula Freitas, no centro-sul do Paraná, e pode ser replicado a realidade local de outros municípios, principalmente em se tratando de regiões com grande concentração de pequenos proprietários de agricultura familiar. Dentre as empresas participantes, a ADM já rodou uma capacitação em parceria com a Copérdia no estado de Santa Catarina e desde o início de 2018 promove um trabalho de apoio à conservação da biodiversidade em pequenas propriedades da agricultura familiar produtoras de óleo de palma no estado do Pará.
Com este intuito, técnicos extensionistas da ADM e agricultores locais foram capacitados sobre orientações práticas de manejo da biodiversidade nas propriedades de cooperados. O manejo da biodiversidade consiste em técnicas que melhoram as condições das áreas naturais, incrementando os serviços que a natureza pode fornecer para a agricultura. O manejo da biodiversidade, além de promover a conservação e recuperação de áreas naturais, pode ajudar a reduzir custos de produção e aumentar a produtividade agrícola, ao incrementar os processos naturais que auxiliam a agricultura.