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The Water Neutrality Project is a collaboration between SPVS and Coca-Cola FEMSA Brasil, focusing on the operations of two of the company’s plants located in the São Paulo municipalities of Bauru and Mogi das Cruzes. 

Aiming to achieve water compensation for both plants, the project supports water production in the aquifer recharge areas where the units are located, within the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes.

Compensation is a voluntary initiative by the company, achieved through the conservation and protection of natural areas. In addition to contributing to the local community's water security, these efforts provide other essential ecosystem services that enhance society's quality of life, such as improved air quality, microclimate regulation, pollination, well-being, and more.

Apresentação _ Foto Gabriel Marchi - SPVS projeto neutralidade hidrica.jpg

Foto: Gabriel Marchi ©

How does it work?

The methodology of the Water Neutrality Project was developed based on a model of natural area conservation combined with Payment for Environmental Services (PES). By ‘adopting’ properties that contain remaining natural areas in strategic locations for water recharge, and conducting an initial assessment, the project aims to acknowledge and promote conservation efforts. This approach seeks to raise the standards of nature conservation and enhance the provision of local ecosystem services.

The selected properties must meet eligibility criteria, which include an assessment of the area’s location, environmental quality, land ownership issues, and the profile of the landowners. The goal is to identify motivated individuals who can form a network to create a positive impact on the surrounding territories. 

The selected properties are uniquely representative of local ecosystems, featuring springs and water recharge areas, while also serving as vital habitats that protect biodiversity, often including endangered species.

When an area is ‘adopted,’ a basic Management Plan is created to outline the scope of management activities. The actions detailed in the plan must be implemented in sequence to ensure the continued maintenance of water production and recharge.

Other project activities include developing and adapting public policies and establishing strategic partnerships to create a network of best practices within the territory. This approach encourages collaboration among different sectors of society to strengthen efforts and initiatives aimed at managing ecosystem services and conserving natural resources in the area.

All Together Producing Nature!

A Quem se Destina _ Foto Rafael Sezerban SPVS neutralidade hidrica.jpg
Apresentação _ Foto SPVS neutralidade hidrica spvs.jpg
Apresentação _ Foto Reginaldo Ferreira - SPVS neutralidade hidrica.jpg

Project Results

By early 2024, the project had adopted more than 1,000 hectares* of strategic areas. In addition to supporting water recharge, these areas provide a range of vital ecosystem services, such as conserving biodiversity, including endangered species like the buffy-tufted marmoset (Callithrix aurita) and the southern muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides).

With regard to social and educational developments, since April 2023, SPVS has been training primary and nursery school teachers to integrate nature conservation content into their daily routines and become advocates for the project.

To date, approximately 350 teachers from the municipal schools involved in the project have participated in both online and face-to-face training. The municipal education departments have played a crucial role in mobilizing these educators, encouraging their active participation in the training, and raising awareness about biodiversity conservation and the importance of quality water resources.

Additionally, the project is building a network of best practices in the territory to enhance public policies that support the conservation of natural areas in São Paulo. This network includes local actors and institutions such as public authorities (local town halls and Forestry Foundations) and third-sector organizations. It aims to strengthen collaboration and expand the nature conservation agenda within the region.

Também participam do Programa as seguintes instituições:

Instituto Giramundo, Atlas Florestal, Fundação Florestal, Secretaria de Meio Ambiente de São Paulo



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