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Avoided Deforestation Program

The Avoided Deforestation Program uses an innovative Payment for Environmental and Ecosystem Services methodology. This program aims to assist landowners who maintain well-preserved natural areas by facilitating connections with companies interested in bolstering their businesses through conservation initiatives. Additionally, it collaborates with the government to establish, manage, and sustain natural reserves via management mechanisms and the implementation of public policies designed to safeguard natural heritage. 


Foto: Acervo SPVS ©

Why should I support the initiative?

The Program offers companies a means to minimize and mitigate the impacts of their projects and activities through the planning and implementation of technical compensatory planting projects. This initiative aims to protect biodiversity and maintain essential ecosystem services crucial to the quality of life for the entire population and the economy. These services include the provision of clean water, soil fertility, climate regulation, among others.
Are you interested in supporting the Program? Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have or to discuss how to initiate partnership proposals.

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Since 2003, companies such as Posigraf (Positivo Group), HSBC, JTI, and Arteris have been among those that have included areas in the Avoided Deforestation Program. This program has played a significant role in conserving the last remaining well-preserved remnants of the Araucaria Forest and Natural Grasslands in southern Brazil.

A total of 33 properties, covering over 4,500 hectares of protected land, have been incorporated into the program. Additionally, twelve Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN) have been established. Through ongoing monitoring of these properties, the program's technicians provide guidance to the owners regarding best practices for the care and management of natural areas, ensuring a lasting commitment to nature conservation.

 Due to its significance, the Program was acknowledged as a fundamental factor in the approval of the PSA (Payment for Environmental Services) bill in the state of Paraná. It is in line with the government's goals of formulating strategies and providing incentives for biodiversity conservation and restoration, aiming to help mitigate and adapt to climate change.

The Program also works to foster political mobilization for voluntary conservation. In pursuit of this objective, it facilitates meetings between owners of private reserves and representatives of public authorities, promoting dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.



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Content in Portuguese (Brazil).

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